Title of the Kolu: 12 Jothirlingam Kshetras

k.ANANTHALAKSHMI Mon, 10/18/2010 - 17:31
Golu contest of pattu paavadai contest Lata - haha just joking. Neat display but I am not able to see the handmade pillayar out of nuts, soap, coconut, tamarind, cotton,etc and food items like idli, dosa,etc out of wax. All the best :)
Tue, 10/19/2010 - 23:26 Permalink
Nice one but missing the pillayar collection consisting of handmade pillayar out of nuts, soap, coconut, tamarind, cotton, and food items of idli, dosa, etc made out of wax.
Mon, 10/25/2010 - 00:42 Permalink