
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Casual Doodles
  • drawings
  • a little fairy
  • Carriage up the mountain
  • Tanjore Toy
  • Painting
  • Mango Design
  • Painting
  • Design
  • Crown design
Rangoli: Casual Doodles
Created by anup on 2014-07-09,

Casual Doodles of Shri-ganesh in Mobile Smile

Rangoli: drawings
Created by rajapriyaks on 2011-01-24,

These are the drawings drawn by me on paper..not imaginative...seen and drawn from internet or any books.these are rough drafts,,i will try any of my favourite drawing on white paper first..then will draw on any medium and colour and gift,,,

Rangoli: a little fairy
Created by indhu420 on 2009-09-22,

its a water color of a little fairy dat i saw in a book. hope u all like it Smile

Rangoli: Carriage up the mountain
Created by SuriK on 2009-06-23,

A carriage going up the mountain.

Rangoli: Tanjore Toy
Created by indirasundhar on 2009-04-23,

Now a days people forget the Tanjavore Thalayatti Bommai. One day i said about the toy and i drew in a paper. My daughter Srenithy has also seen it in her grandma's house in India. She liked it very much. So she drew it yesterday night and asked to me to upload it before her coming from the school.

Rangoli: Painting
Created by preethirajaganesh on 2009-04-12,

An ornamental duck, and a beautiful butterfly too. Can you see that? A different imagination.

Rangoli: Mango Design
Created by vasanthidlr on 2009-04-10,

This is a designed mango with multi colour and this also my imaginary design and whenever I start drawing I don't know what I am going to draw but some design will come finally.

Rangoli: Painting
Created by sjnt on 2009-03-31,

This painting is done using only crayons on handmade paper

Rangoli: Design
Created by vasanthidlr on 2009-03-30,

This design is an imaginary piece.

Rangoli: Crown design
Created by vasanthidlr on 2009-03-30,

This is a designed crown front view. I just started to draw a broader design and finally a crown design is what I ended up with.
