Chalk Kolam in Singapore!

gowri_ana Thu, 04/09/2009 - 12:34
Welcome to ikolam! This is just a suggestion, if you can't get the kolam powder, you could try making kolams with rice flour (the kind which is a bit coarsely ground, like the one we use for idiappam). This may sound silly, but I use my idiaapam flour to make kolams here in the U.S, for special occasions, because I don't have kolam powder. :) I like your design, especially the arches. Nice geometric pattern!
Thu, 04/09/2009 - 14:44 Permalink
Gowriji, excelent looks very nice...keep it up..waiting to see some more..
Thu, 04/09/2009 - 20:09 Permalink
Gowri I appreciate the fact that you put the kolam in chalk inspite of not getting kolapodi ... but like Lata suggested you can use rice flour... i sometimes use mida also... and for a change why not try cornflour or kadalamaavu?? you will get a different and unique colour effect in fact... hope to see more of your creations
Thu, 04/09/2009 - 23:05 Permalink
Hi Lata mam, I still can find some of my kolams missing ... Could you please look into this ? Gowri Manohari Narayanan
Mon, 06/29/2009 - 18:44 Permalink