attn. admin

Submitted by kitsfin on
Hi, Was just voting in the Margazhi Rangoli Contest & found it a bit annoying that the photos of all participants are getting hidden under the box containing "Ads by Google". (top left corner of page) Is it possible to shift this box a little so that we get to see the wonderful participants' faces too.
That's interesting. Let me know the browser version that you used. I'll investigate and fix it.
Thu, 01/28/2010 - 10:26 Permalink
Hi, I use IE7. Looks like you have already fixed it. The ad box has shifted away from photo box. Thanks. But today I see only shadows instead of photos here. Yesterday, I think I saw many participants' faces below the ad box. Is it on purpose? Anyways, I am very happy to see the new rangolis & eagerly awaiting the results...
Fri, 01/29/2010 - 08:49 Permalink
Happy to know that the display problem got resolved. But, I did not really have to fix anything. Most likely, this was an environmental issue; actions like clear cache, refresh of content, style sheets etc must have fixed the problem. If this problem was wide spread, we would have heard about it from the active members. The shadowy outline is place holder for the user's pictures. If you see that, then it means that the user's have not uploaded their avatar yet.
Fri, 01/29/2010 - 09:20 Permalink
Yeah, maybe some other issues. Anyway, today I am able to see some avatars too...
Sat, 01/30/2010 - 01:54 Permalink