Guess the dots kolam

Anushapradha's picture


Suguna Murugesan's picture

very beautiful :)...i'm very poor in dot counting Smile

vijaysowmya's picture

Very beautifully drawn kolam Smile Bird design looks very pretty.

ramadevims's picture

Good pencil drawing.
Dot count is 35 dots 13 parallel lines (in the center), decrease it to 13 dots on either side.

ammuchandhini's picture

Nicely drawn clear paper version...thanks for sharing Smile

subashini's picture

very beautiful pencil drawing.


Wonderful pencil drawing... Smile

lakshmiraghu's picture

beautifully drawn kolam

sridevi72's picture

Thank you soooooo much anusha.
Just saw this post. I'm so exited to try this.
You made my day. thanks again.

Anushapradha's picture

Welcome Sridevi mam....... Waiting for your floor version......... Wink

Anushapradha's picture

Thank you so much Rani mam, Sowmya mam, Sugu mam, Subashini mam, Lakshmi mam, Gomathi mam, Ramadevi mam...... I'm so excited....... (la la la la la la) :party: :party: :love: :love: