
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Festive kolam for weddings
  • Counter-top Rangoli
  • Pookolam
  • Pookalam
  • Kolam_2
  • Pulses and grains Rangoli
  • Flowers and lamps
  • Rangoli flower
  • Rangoli done with flowers
  • Welcome kolam
Rangoli: Festive kolam for weddings
Created by judelined on 2009-03-04,

dots 13 - 13
This kalasam (hope I am correct) kolam can be drawn for occasions such as a wedding, grihapravesh etc, I have drawn this kolam in such a way to show how the dots are connected just for those who don't understand - whereas actually it should be drawn in continuation to cover the dots - hope you understand what I am trying to say.

Rangoli: Counter-top Rangoli
Created by brindhanagesh on 2008-12-17,

Using kola mavu, I made this simple freehand kolam on my kitchen platform during the Gruhapravesam of our new flat.

Rangoli: Pookolam
Created by PCKU on 2007-11-15,
This rangoli was published on 2007-11-15.
Rangoli: Pookalam
Created by PCKU on 2007-11-15,
This rangoli was published on 2007-11-15.
Rangoli: Kolam_2
Created by sarala on 2007-10-30,

Dots: 24(4 times)-20(2times)-16(2times)---up to 4(2times).....straight line dots. We can do this kolam with any number of dots, just use even number of dots and use the given pattern....this kolam can be drawn as 16 dots, 20 , 24 ...and so on.

Rangoli: Pulses and grains Rangoli

Revathy Shiva sends her Navarathri pulses/grains rangoli from Bahrain.

Rangoli: Flowers and lamps
Created by jagadha on 2007-10-01,
This rangoli was published on 2007-10-01.
Rangoli: Rangoli flower
Created by on 2007-08-16,
This rangoli was published on 2007-08-16.
Rangoli: Rangoli done with flowers
Created by preethirajaganesh on 2007-01-12,
This rangoli was published on 2007-01-12.
Welcome kolam
Created by Lata on 2006-12-19,

This is one of the very first kolams that I animated and has been around for a few years. This could be used for New Year and/or as a Welcome Kolam.
Please click on the blue button located at the bottom of the dot-grid to see the animation.
