
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Dotted Kolam
  • Margazhi7
  • Happy Ganesha Chathurthi
  • Dotted kolam
  • dotted kolam
  • chikku kolam19
  • Podikolam
  • Another 7x7 pattern - 7x7-4
  • 85 dot kOlam or 7x7 - 3
Created by RaghaRadha on 2018-04-29,

Rangoli 7X7 Chikku Series-50: CHITHRA POURNAMI SPECIAL CHIKKU-50 by RaghaRadha

Rangoli: Dotted Kolam
Created by Purni on 2014-02-07,

Its a 7x7 straight dots kolam..... Filled it with Recycled Colours.... Have a Great Weekend!

Rangoli: Margazhi7
Created by mymug on 2013-12-22,
This rangoli was published on 2013-12-22.
Rangoli: Happy Ganesha Chathurthi
Created by anirudh on 2013-09-09,

Happy Ganesha Chathurthi!!!

Tired simple Ganesha in the Mandana style and tradtional birds of lamp.

Ganesha - Freehand
Birds - 7 X 7.

Rangoli: Dotted kolam
Created by manivasuki62 on 2012-03-19,

I made this kolam with basic dot count 7x7
and few extensions on my own

Rangoli: dotted kolam
Created by vijayasabari on 2012-01-02,

this is (7*7) dotted kolam... hope u like it......

Rangoli: chikku kolam19
Created by Suguna Murugesan on 2011-09-27,

hai this is 7-7 dotted chikku kolam. this is from our ikolam member. this small chikku kolam i made this on tuesday. hope u all like this....

Rangoli: Podikolam
Created by dibbutn on 2011-09-18,

This is a small rose kolam with dot count 7 x 7. Hope you all like it.

Rangoli: Another 7x7 pattern - 7x7-4
Created by jkmrao on 2011-07-08,

Here is another 7x7 pattern, again novel with 8 2x3 sOnAs. Enjoy!

Regards! - mOhana

Rangoli: 85 dot kOlam or 7x7 - 3
Created by jkmrao on 2011-07-04,

Here is a novel 7x7 pattern. I told you earlier that there are only two possibilities of sOnA patterns for 7X7, viz., 3x4 and 2x5. I found one more cute way Smile of obtaining a third pattern. I had a border with the outside dots leaving a 5x5 matrix inside. I created 2x3 sOnA patterns in this matrix and joined them with the outside border so that only two lines (pink and white) result. A central svAstika also adorns the whole pattern. Enjoy!

Regards! - mOhana
