Sparkles and Spirals

Visitor (not verified)
Hi Its a very nice rangoli ...can you please tell me the number of dots?
Tue, 10/30/2007 - 12:08 Permalink
Hi, the Kolam is very nice.. Can you please re-add the opton which showed the dots...with sequence of drawing.. Will help people who are new to this art... Thanks Viji_Vishy
Sat, 11/03/2007 - 23:19 Permalink
very nice, can you tell me the number of dots?
Wed, 01/09/2008 - 01:28 Permalink
vijaya swetha
very nice, can you tell me the number of dots?
Mon, 02/11/2008 - 01:59 Permalink
nice kolam dots are 11 dot 11 times
Sat, 04/12/2008 - 01:45 Permalink
Just going through your gallery Revathi and pleasantly surprised to see this kolam as I have done one with the centre design in photoshop.. - check this out...
Tue, 06/16/2009 - 00:04 Permalink