Murukku Kolam

sjnt Tue, 06/09/2009 - 17:45
How could you, Jayanthiji? You are so ruthless! :) Do you have any idea, that there might be people (like me) who don't have "access" to such delicacies, the way you people do? :) The next time you do this to us, I'm going to give you my address, and expect a special delivery from you (it is a boon to enjoy these on a regular basis, instead of stale and old "stuff" that has gone rancid available from our local Indian stores).
Tue, 06/09/2009 - 17:52 Permalink
Wow Jayanthi this is the most beautiful Murukku I have ever seen. This looks like the bottom of a cane basket to me...
Tue, 06/09/2009 - 22:48 Permalink
Jayanthi, you are still preserving this as an art-piece?
Thu, 06/11/2009 - 21:12 Permalink

Good! In my younger days, we used to play with muruku by breaking it into letters of alphabet! Regards! - mOhana
Sun, 06/14/2009 - 10:07 Permalink