Magazine Art

preetiN's picture
About Magazine Art : PRINT

This is a wall decor made with magazines. I found it somewhere on the internet. A magazine with at least 50 sheets will give a good effect.

Step 1 - Hold the top corner of the sheet, fold it inward so that the top edge tucks into the magazine and crease it.

Step 2 - Repeat this for all the pages and again, for the bottom half of the sheet. do not crease it when folding the bottom half.

No glue required.

Rangoli: Magazine Art


Vinci's picture

Well done Pretty girl...

Rajusree's picture

Wonderful and novel idea. U have done it quite well.

Lata's picture

I could use one of those as my mail sorters. Nice spring-break project for my girls. Thanks for the idea Preeti. Smile

ammuchandhini's picture

lovely piece of work i am gonna try and will let u know if it has come out well

sjnt's picture

Very novel wall piece Preeti. Yes lata, it cud be used as a mail sorter too. Preeti, do u have the website name? Sameway, a hut also can be made. Will send a snap when I do one.

Lata's picture

Here is picture of the hut that Sudha had made.

judelined's picture

Gosh that's really pretty - Preeti indeed a very good idea to add to kid's summer projects Smile

alameluranganath's picture

very nice super

rajamma_2's picture

Very useful for engaging kids on this summer holiday.

viji_j86's picture

Nice. We can do hut out of calender sheet(Daily sheet) like this. I think i posted my work in somewhere else. I will search it and post it soon.

jkmrao's picture

Good work, still not completely clear. may be a few intermediate steps will help.

Regards! - mOhana

dibbutn's picture

Preeti maam very nicely done

preetiN's picture

Thanks everyone Smile I'll try and find the website where I found this, or I'll post the intermediate steps soon Smile

anirudh's picture

wow looks good....pretty cool & easy craft, thanks for sharing