Garlic cloves

jkmrao Tue, 08/04/2009 - 02:40
Very nice....and Super work JKmji...reminds "SHAMANTHIGE" flower.....
Wed, 08/12/2009 - 02:11 Permalink
So many patterns with one garlic clove! The center design reminds me of the long white cylindrical tunnels that we use to find near construction zones back in India. The one on the top right looks exactly like a Sangu chakram firecracker. Sangu chakram and Busvaanam used to be our favorite in firecrackers. The one on the bottom right ofcourse looks like an earring. (Sangu chakram = a wheel shaped firecracker/fireworks, busvaanam = a conical firecracker that bursts out more or less like a fountain.)
Wed, 08/12/2009 - 08:48 Permalink
mOhanaji beautiful designs..yes Lata it looks like ear rings....crackers.....and the left down one looks parijatha rangoli...the centre one looks like grill gage...hehe...
Wed, 08/12/2009 - 09:28 Permalink
So pretty! Last row, left one looks similsr to the traditional 'parijatha kolam'!
Wed, 08/12/2009 - 09:38 Permalink
super designs garlics have become yOjanaghandis & Sughandis because of your touch :)
Wed, 08/12/2009 - 12:23 Permalink

The yellow shading gives a magical beauty for all these wonderful designs. Hats off to ur imagination mOhanaji!
Wed, 08/12/2009 - 19:47 Permalink
All the designs are very beautiful mOhanaji,I liked the middle one(diamond shaped).
Wed, 08/12/2009 - 22:11 Permalink
I want to share a recipe... "A prevention method for SWINE FLU" Mix Garlic, turmeric, pepper in milk and boil the milk Have a glass of this in the night.... from health officials.
Wed, 08/12/2009 - 22:27 Permalink
Again another lovely collection JKM - my favourite is the top right design... The bottom right design reminds me of my mother-in-law's white stone earring...
Fri, 08/14/2009 - 01:41 Permalink
Beautiful Patterns, JKMji..... my favourite is the bottom left one....
Fri, 08/14/2009 - 03:13 Permalink

Thanks everyone for your encouragement. Top right and bottom left have their heads coming together while top left and bottom right have their tails (thinner part of the clove) coming together. In the latter case, the packing is very efficient with little void space left, particularly the bottom right. That really surprised me :-) Regards! - mOhana
Fri, 08/14/2009 - 17:44 Permalink