ammuchandhini's picture

Hai to all...here is another diwali spl kolam ...dot count is 16-16 dots...HAPPY DIWALI...



jasree's picture

Nice kolam Rani. Esp. the blue & red vilakkus are very pretty.

subashini's picture

kalakkal thalai deepavali.

rajamma_2's picture

Nice blue/red lamps inside the cute kolam. Thanks for the wishes.

brindhanagesh's picture

Very well done. Wish you a very happy Diwali.

madhuharini's picture

soooocute,very neat.

Sarasp's picture

very cute kolam Smile

sjnt's picture

well drawn kolam Rani. Happy Diwali.

jkmrao's picture

Very nice chikku kOlam, rANIjI! Happy dIpaavaLi, tamasO mA jyOtirgamaya, lead me from darkness into light!

Regards! - mOhana

Lata's picture

I like this design very much, Rani. Red and blue lamps look bright.
Thank you, and wish you a happy Diwali too. Smile

ammuchandhini's picture

Thank u jasree, suba, rajamma mam, brinda, madhu mam, sarasp, jayanthy mam, jkm sir and latha.

P.Veni's picture

Simple and cute kolam,rani.

nithyaashok's picture

Very nice

judelined's picture

Red and blue lamps look so sweet and the orange and blue border is also pretty - makes the kolam look quite different Smile

smahalakshmi's picture

Rani mam, Thalai Diwali Kalai kettudhu pola irukku. Nice Kolam.


Vinci's picture

Nice design. You have choosed the lighter shades of the inner colors for the border, good try.. And nice tiny design on the corners.

ammuchandhini's picture

Thank u veni, nithya, judy, maha, and vinci..actually vinci only after seeing ur comment ... i realise that lighter shades of lamp cols was used. by me....he..he..

umaraja's picture

creamy colors giv a rich look

dibbutn's picture

Rani maam lovely and different type of kolam with lamps and chikku kolam... beautiful

vijaysowmya's picture

very nice and beautiful vilakku cum chikku kolam....