
lakshmiraghu Sat, 08/30/2008 - 13:14
hi , It is very nice.Can u tell me how u draw on water.Any spectial techniqe?
Wed, 09/10/2008 - 03:28 Permalink

In reply to by viji_jeya@tcs.com

Hi Lakshmi, there were a few emails from some members asking about the following questions regarding water-rangolis, which I'm posting in this section. It would be nice to have some clarification... Hi, Tried out your water rangoli, but stayed still for less than a minute; after that, the flour got dissolved. Is there any vessel restriction as I used thick plastic. But, greased vessel filled in water fully and sprinkled rice flour all over the water. Then, put the rangoli with shop made rice flour. Pls tell me where I was wrong. Thanks Rama.
Fri, 09/12/2008 - 09:33 Permalink

In reply to by Lata

hi lata basically the rice flour which is to be used should be of fine quality which you may get couple of times after filtering.using not filtered rice flour would make it to move down to the bottom of the vessell because of weight. alternatively talcum powder or distember(avaliable in paint shop) can be used. regards lakshmiraghu
Sat, 09/13/2008 - 05:53 Permalink
sooo nice rangoli,iam fan of ur rangolis madam good luck
Sat, 09/27/2008 - 21:09 Permalink
hi lakshmi aunty this is shwetha this is very nice rangoli which you put
Tue, 09/30/2008 - 00:30 Permalink
Sridevi Kothapally
Hi , My name is Sridevi ...Iam really impressed with your rangoi can you please tell me the steps of Rangoli on water . Thanks !! Waiting for your reply
Mon, 02/23/2009 - 03:45 Permalink

In reply to by Sridevi Kothapally

Sridevi thank u so much. Plan on a design to make as your "rangoli on water". Choose a place (could be a tabletop or an altar) to display your "rangoli on water". Take your time to decide upon a place for this, because once you're done with this project, you wouldn't be able to move your "rangoli" without disturbing it. Any shifting to the arrangement of the bowl with the "rangoli on water" once the rangoli is made, could ruin your design. You could use a glass or a steel bowl, tray or even a 2" to 3" deep plate as a canvas for the rangoli. Place your bowl/plate in your chosen space, and apply oil or ghee (clarified butter) to the inside surface of the bowl/plate. Pour some cold water into the bowl, filling it all the way to the edges of the bowl. Sprinkle fine rice powder or white distemper powder on the surface of the water in the bowl. Draw your planned rangoli design on the surface of the water and fill in the colors as required.
Mon, 02/23/2009 - 03:49 Permalink
wow...awesome piece of work. liked the idea of using leaves at the edges
Fri, 10/19/2012 - 01:16 Permalink
Dr.Rekha Shetty
wooooooooooooooooow teacherji from lace to water what a great jump dear .Keep it up.Please send me your contact no.through email dear .
Fri, 10/19/2012 - 03:24 Permalink