Mysore Dasara

The Theme of my 2014 Navarathri Golu is Mysore Dasara. The steps are covered with red and yellow, flag colors of karnataka. I have Mysore jayamahal palace, Gandaberunda Rangoli, symbol of Mysore wodeyars (Thanks to ikolam), Chamundi Hills with Mahishasura a, Nandi and Chamundeshwari, Mysore zoo and a dasara procession. Thank you, Shobha Prabakar, California.


aver's picture

kolam looks beautiful so also the dusshera procession

lakshmiraghu's picture

looks grand

vijaysowmya's picture

Very grand and beautiful. Rangoli loks very nice Smile

riaiyer's picture


meenasakthi's picture

Beautiful golu and good collections of golu dolls. Dussera procession looks good! Smile

umaraja's picture

Grand creation

anirudh's picture

beautiful mysore dasara with palace, zoo and all....AnDaal, bhuvaneshwari dolls are very nice..... and above all very glad to see my GanDabherunDa rangoli in real on floor Smile
:star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

shobha_prabakar's picture

Thank you for all the appreciations and especially from Kolam creator! Glad I found it in my google search, while searching for Gandaberunda rangoli/patterns. That was a super hit and given A+ from all the 200+ visitors, during Navarathri season.