old age hut

This is an old hut made from paper. Hope you like it. your views and suggestions are always welcome

old age hut - IMG_2555.JPG
nithyaashok's picture

Very nice hut, who are all staying there? shall i visit your hut once?

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

you are most welcome. thank u very much nithya

lakshmiraghu's picture

Sudha,beautiful hut...any plans to start old age home??

Lata's picture

Nicely built hut Sudha, so densely packed! It is just like the one in my imagination. Someday I want to build a mud hut and live in it in a village. Some day....

Sarasp's picture

very neatly done.. Saras

bharathibhaskar's picture

exellent work madam.pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese teach us.thanks for sharing ur art with us.

subashini's picture

Very nice Sudha

anantharajam's picture

hai Iam new to this site.The hut is so nice!!!!.Is it made with daily calender sheet bunch?

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

yes madam, you are right i made this with the calendar but you can use any thick book also. hearty welcome to be a member of ikolam. thanks for your comments also.

umaraja's picture

cute kutti kutil

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Very nice, cute hut .But little smaller for me looking at my weight otherwise would have deal to purchased it

smahalakshmi's picture

Very nice. Can you pl teach us how to make this?
