
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • freehand
  • varamahalakshmi rangoli,
  • Pongal malar
  • Karthikai kolam2
Rangoli: freehand
Created by hoove on 2016-05-09,

minimum colours usedRangoli Freehand Rangoli: freehand by hoove

Rangoli: varamahalakshmi rangoli,
Created by shanthi r on 2013-12-01,
This rangoli was published on 2013-12-01.
Rangoli: Pongal malar
Created by Vasi on 2013-01-21,

This kolam was drawn by my (maru)Magal Rajusree in front of our house on the day of Pongal.
Ikolam mwmbers know Rajusree.

Rangoli: Karthikai kolam2
Created by Vasi on 2012-12-09,

This is one of the kolams drawn in the month of karthikai