Kids rangolis and artwork

Gallery of rangolis, craft work, art work ,stories, science-experiments submitted by kids (ages 3 to 16). Here are the guidelines to post content in Each entry of a story/image should be considered as one submission. There is no limit to the number of submissions for any member. At the right side vertical menu (under your user-name), there is a tag called "Create content". Just a little below that, there is a tag called "Rangoli". When you want to upload a rangoli, click on "rangoli". It'll lead you to a page called "submit rangoli", where you need to fill in the title page, the description about your rangoli in the "body" area (a small or a big description). Finally, click the "File attachments" option, to browse to the file that you want to upload. Make your selection from your local folders, select "Attach", and then click on "Submit". Your submitted content will be published in a week. Please click on the following names to take a look at our kids' collections...