Submitted by judelined on Sat, 05/09/2009 - 19:18
I MADE THIS CARD IN TRIBUTE TO MY MUM WHO WILL BE TURNING 75 NEXT JAN. A PATIENT, LOVING, SOFT AND KIND HEARTED WOMAN - I AM PROUD TO SAY SHE IS MY MOTHER!! LOVE YOU MUM AND THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU DID, ARE DOING AND WILL DO FOR ME..... THIS POEM IS DEDICATED TO ALL MOTHERS (SOURCE INTERNET - AUTHOR UNKNOWN) When you feel you are alone in a crowd..... When you feel no one can understand you.... When your love is rejected by others.... When you hate your life.... Just close your eyes & see her face The one who loves you more than anyone else..... The only one who cares for you in loneliness & dies for you when you cry....... She is no one but your sweet loving MOTHER..... Love her more than anyone else in this world.... Because only she was, is and will be there for you all the time.... She is the only one who will make all your worries, sadness and sorrows disappear... Her love for her children will never fade no matter whatever difficulty she goes through.. Cherish each and every minute of your MOTHER.. As there is nothing that can replace her love.....
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Judy maa'm this poem really moved me. Excellent.
Wed, 05/13/2009 - 12:32 Permalink
My beautiful big sis.. the words are so true and that is our mum.... through all her difficulties in her life she still loves us no matter what happens. I love you mumma and no one can take away that love from me. I am proud to be your daughter.
Fri, 05/15/2009 - 14:29 Permalink