
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Dotted
  • Dotted Kolam
  • Dotted Kolam
  • Rajammaji's Design in PS
  • Dotted Rangoli
  • Dotted and freehand
  • Navratri 2014-day 8
  • Ganesh Chathurthi rangoli
  • Ganesh Chathurthi rangoli
  • Dotted kolam
Rangoli: Dotted
Created by chandy on 2016-01-11,

Rangoli 15 x 15 straight: Dotted by chandy

Rangoli: Dotted Kolam
Created by chandy on 2015-10-26,

Rangoli 13 to 1 straight dots: Dotted Kolam by chandy

Rangoli: Dotted Kolam
Created by chandy on 2015-10-26,

Rangoli 9 to 5 intermediate: Dotted Kolam by chandy

Rangoli: Rajammaji's Design in PS
Created by anirudh on 2015-03-25,

Rangoli 9 - 5 Interlaced: Rajammaji's Design in PS by anirudh

Rangoli: Dotted Rangoli
Created by chandy on 2015-01-26,

Rangoli dotted: Dotted Rangoli by chandy

Rangoli: Dotted and freehand
Created by chandy on 2014-12-05,

Rangoli dotted: Dotted and freehand by chandy

Rangoli: Navratri 2014-day 8
Created by ammuchandhini on 2014-10-01,

Hello friends...happy Saraswathy puja to all....a maakolam on day 8 of navrathri....hope you like it....ur views pl:-)

Rangoli: Ganesh Chathurthi rangoli
Created by ammuchandhini on 2014-09-02,

Hello friends...this dotted kolam was done on my cement road on ganesh chathurthi....ur views pl:-)

Rangoli: Ganesh Chathurthi rangoli
Created by ammuchandhini on 2014-08-28,

Hello friends....Happy Ganesh Chathurthi to all.....hope you like my kolam done on this auspicious day Smile

Rangoli: Dotted kolam
Created by ammuchandhini on 2014-08-12,

Hello friends...a small fusion kolam for ur views Smile
