
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Leaf painting
  • fgg-shell guess-7
  • Metal basket painting-2(outside)
  • Ouside of basket painting -1
  • metal basket painting-4
  • metal basket painting-5
  • metal basket painting-3
  • metal basket painting-2
  • metal basket painting
  • Painted Pot
Rangoli: Leaf painting
Created by rajapriyaks on 2011-06-20,

Tried leaf painting,,:-)as said by reka mam dried leaf and tried,,but drawn keeping the leaf reverse..noticed it after completeing only

Rangoli: fgg-shell guess-7
Created by Dr.Rekha Shetty on 2011-06-20,

Although i tried to click properly the picture looks little dull .This person is a fine boyhood actor .he looks very young though he has grown up children .He is one of my favorite actor .Ammu i saw your hair is very thick and long so i am little jealous hence thought of giving one quiz immediately

Rangoli: Metal basket painting-2(outside)
Created by Dr.Rekha Shetty on 2011-04-25,

cose-up photo of one of the side of outside basket for better view

Rangoli: Ouside  of basket painting -1
Created by Dr.Rekha Shetty on 2011-04-12,

As requested by mahalaxmi ,i am uploading the basket picture(for photo purpose have kept the basket upside down).Inside i have done the world cup .All these paintings (6 baskets) r done at night as a emergency (told to do the decoration only for my daughters batch and that too on the last moment. I know I have not justified

Rangoli: metal basket painting-4
Created by Dr.Rekha Shetty on 2011-04-12,

For the inside wall decoration of this basket i have given the sun mica effect and outside in yellow background i have done some zigzag strokes.please comment

Rangoli: metal basket painting-5
Created by Dr.Rekha Shetty on 2011-04-11,

In this basket i have used purple colour to paint outside the basket and orange colour for inside.Your valuable suggestions please.

Rangoli: metal basket painting-3
Created by Dr.Rekha Shetty on 2011-04-11,

this is my third basket painting done yesterday night for my daughter's friends project .Please give your valuable suggestions

Rangoli: metal basket painting-2
Created by Dr.Rekha Shetty on 2011-04-06,

In this basket i have used the theme "fish tank" to paint outside the basket(allthe foue sides) and inside i have used the theme sea .I hace shown small fishes in the fish tanks and big fishes in the sea .This basket painting was done for mu daughter's friendyesterday night .

Rangoli: metal basket painting
Created by Dr.Rekha Shetty on 2011-04-04,

This painting is done on the metal basket created by my daughter in work shop as a project of first year engineering .I dedicate this painting to all Indians as i made the theme on India's victory

Rangoli: Painted Pot
Created by Jayashubha on 2011-04-01,

I had done this Pot painting long back. The woollen folwers in the pot were done by my daughter for the school SUPW work. Thought of sharing with you all. Please give your comments.
