
Kolams drawn on the beach

Submitted by Lata on Thu, 08/20/2009 - 08:55
We are nearing the end of August. School is going to start after the summer holidays for the kids. And, so , we thought, it would be a good idea to visit the local beach before the change of season. Everyone knows how the kids love to play with the sand, building sand castles and running constantly to the shore to collect water in their pails. I always make it a point to do some beachcombing. This time I got lucky; I found some sand dollars too (no shells, since it is frequently visited by people). My girls found it unusual to find a dead seal lying on the shore (with a hole in its body). Anyways, we got talking about making this and that in the sand, and that's when I remembered mOhanaji's post about Sona drawings on the sand. Refer here to find out more: and I was surprised to find Mani try out the snake design. That was possible because he could access the site using his iphone - the latest smart phone that most people either already have it, or want to have (including me too). :) But, he ended up changing the basic design a bit. He made it into two snakes instead of one. The pictures taken from an iphone are not bad either; this picture of Sona drawings on the beach was taken using the iphone. Taking the picture was easy, but drawing good looking strokes on the sand was not that easy. Got to get better at it, like the Angola boys. :)

Sand drawings

Submitted by Lata on Thu, 07/23/2009 - 12:55
Drawing on the beach; who can resist mOhanaji? I think we have all tried to draw different things during our visits to beaches. I'll be honest here, I've also used sticks mostly (and let my kids use only sticks on beaches), only because it sort of stinks (you know; marine life).

Sona - Sand drawings of Angola

Submitted by jkmrao on Tue, 07/21/2009 - 09:11
Normally, we in India arrange the dots for rangOlis using either the white rangOli powder or the wet rice flour. There is one more way of doing this. One can use the medium of sand and the dots can be arranged on the sand with fingers. Try this at home or when you go the beach. This is the method followed by some tribes in Angola. Angola, a former Portuguese colony, is in western Africa. They use their index and ring fingers to arrange the dots (see figure). After a certain number of rows are arranged, they continue this process to obtain the desired number of rows and columns.