colourfull kolam.

Awesome work Mrs.Nirmala. :) (It also looks like a dotted kolam, but I would like to confirm this with you).
Tue, 03/09/2010 - 08:54 Permalink
elegant kolam with good colours. it should be a dotted kolam the dot count may be 11 to 6 inbetween dots is it not ???????? mam
Tue, 03/09/2010 - 09:47 Permalink
Nirmalaji,very very beautiful rangoli and colours...seeing colours itself we could make out it should be Brindha's relative's work....
Tue, 03/09/2010 - 17:53 Permalink
Yes, as Lakshmi says we can associate this to Brinda & co brand! Nirmala, do you also use dye powder mixed with white kolapodi?
Tue, 03/09/2010 - 20:24 Permalink
Beautifully colored, and btw, what is dye color?
Tue, 03/09/2010 - 20:43 Permalink
Navi dye colour is that which is used to colour fabric (fabric dye). There is a wide range of colours and since Brindha and Co are from Salem (basically from the weaving trade) they use these colours to mix with kolapodi instead of the normal stuff. Look at the photos of the last Chennai meet and see Thangam aunty has a steel container (masala petti) with different colours in her hand. Just have a look at those colours and you will see the difference. Nirmala do you also get the colours from Salem or somewhere else?? Very pretty kolam with perfect colour symmetry. You forgot to outline red for one of the curls from the leaf..
Wed, 03/10/2010 - 00:06 Permalink
Padma Prakash
Beautiful Kolam with bright colour combination.
Wed, 03/10/2010 - 00:12 Permalink
Nice dotted kolam..perfect coloring
Wed, 03/10/2010 - 00:40 Permalink
hai lovely col combination really a feast for the eyes
Wed, 03/10/2010 - 00:48 Permalink
Judy, You are right in your observations. Salem ladies are quite adept at using the dye based kola podis. You must go around the streets of Gugai area during the time of POngal to appreciate the competitive nature of those ladies. But even-though I am basically from Salem, I grew up elsewhere and I did not have the chance to learn kolams when i was young. Nirmala is my hubby's younger sister and she helps me in getting the kolapodis and not the other way around ! In fact I have asked them to bring some more colours when they are coming here (Kol) next week.
Wed, 03/10/2010 - 06:54 Permalink