Small rathas inside big ratha!

very nicely done chariot kolam...I liked your ther chakram,,,
Sun, 11/28/2010 - 23:29 Permalink
Without any second thought you have drawn a lovely ther kolam Jaya Maam. Experience matters a lot :). Paariyin thero, mullai kodi therikirathu (Is it King Paari's chariot, could see jasmine creeper) And as Rani/Veni combination is missing today, Nice to see Sisters jodi :)
Mon, 11/29/2010 - 01:49 Permalink
very nice Jaya. Since we cannot see the famous Kalpathi ther, here able to view your kolam ther. nice work. viji
Mon, 11/29/2010 - 01:53 Permalink
looks different ..nice fusion kolam.
Mon, 11/29/2010 - 02:00 Permalink
Wow...lovely ther kolam done immediately...vinci...we r enjoying our yr end break hahaha...
Mon, 11/29/2010 - 02:06 Permalink
Your instant Ther kolam is very beautiful, Jayaji.
Mon, 11/29/2010 - 02:26 Permalink

In reply to by jasree

What an idea! Your collections of small chariots look pretty within a big one. Your host must've felt happy and surprised too :)
Mon, 11/29/2010 - 19:31 Permalink

In reply to by Lata

Please can we have the complete dot count details, for the surrounding chariots around the dotted chiku one?
Mon, 11/29/2010 - 19:32 Permalink
wow, nice one jayaji, the way you have instant recipies for food, here is the instant chariot combo design. Good thought. dots: 13 X 9 and then reduce in steps to reach one? Hope i have counted the dots correctly :) ...thanks for sharing.
Tue, 11/30/2010 - 03:14 Permalink
very nice instant theru kolam. Mahalakshmi
Mon, 12/06/2010 - 20:17 Permalink
Instant coffee maadri instant kolamaa?? (just like instant coffee - instant kolam??) - superb thought Jaya - very well combined to make a beauty :)
Fri, 12/10/2010 - 23:47 Permalink

Kutti ther kolam super. The dot count is little confusing. U have drawn the 5 thers seperately and then filled the gap with chikkukolam I think.The 'Ther vadam' looks natural. rajamma
Sat, 01/29/2011 - 21:57 Permalink