'sarva karyeshu sarvatha'

deepa ram

I love this :-) May be the rains have made the floor colour and the red clay colour the same. Is it possible to shave some of the grass so that the full pattern can be seen? Regards! - mOhana
Wed, 08/26/2009 - 13:34 Permalink
A very beautiful pattern indeed Deepa - I am sure Lord Ganesha would have been very pleased :)
Wed, 08/26/2009 - 21:49 Permalink
Deepa it come out very nice.keep it up
Thu, 08/27/2009 - 00:49 Permalink

Deepa, I can understand your feeling.When the floor is not suited to put rangoli, we go mad no? This one with cute Ganesha sitting inside and OMs surrounded by nice designer line rangoli is a treat to the eyes.
Thu, 08/27/2009 - 00:50 Permalink
Very beautiful design Deepa. You have got a lot of patience to make each line parallel neatly. Soil gives more attraction to the kolam.
Thu, 08/27/2009 - 03:30 Permalink