padi kolam

Super padikolam. The outer twist is very pretty. ;)
Mon, 02/13/2012 - 06:06 Permalink
very nice padikolam.the twisted portion is very good.
Mon, 02/13/2012 - 19:32 Permalink
So glad to have you back dear with this wonderful and traditional looking kolam, very pretty one.
Tue, 02/14/2012 - 22:08 Permalink
Hello everybody! Am a 69 year old and am not computer savvy. Hence I havent been able to reply to all the generous comments on my kolams. It is my daughter-in-law who clicks and uploads the kolams for me. I want to say am really grateful to all the members for giving their feedback and inputs on my kolams - special mention of rajamma, maha, ammuchandhini, suges, vijaysowmya, alamelu for their constant encouragement. I also love Vijaysowmya, Rajamma and several other members's kolams. However am not able to comment on a regular basis due to my inability to handle the system myself. Thanks again to all of you. Lakshmi
Mon, 05/14/2012 - 05:19 Permalink
Lakshmi, I am also old(65), but managed to handle computer to be in touch with ikolam friends. I am a fan of all your padikkolams,. The different ways in creating new designs in padikkolam have won our admiration. All these days I was wondering why you never comment on others work. Now that you have expressed your inability, we will not mistake. It is enough if see and enjoy others work.( Just learn to go to comment colomn and click the 'smiling face' and click on 'save' to register your comment. Your DIL will help you to teach that I presume.Keep uploading more and more of your precious kolams also) :)
Mon, 05/14/2012 - 20:32 Permalink