bead work

this aishwarya kolam was done by my mami using beads.she is very good at doing these kinds of work.please give ur comments.
Woow too good dear. It looks so good in the red and yellow combo. Do give my regards to her.
Tue, 11/22/2011 - 22:31 Permalink
Wow...lovely bead work done by ur mami...convey my wishes to her...i too have done a similar type of hexagon bead work but have fitted 7 god( metal) idols and framed it with lights...:)
Wed, 11/23/2011 - 05:33 Permalink
Nice work. The idea of making it framme is cute. viji
Fri, 11/25/2011 - 04:52 Permalink
very beautiful bead work.I love it.pass my regards to your mami.
Fri, 11/25/2011 - 05:30 Permalink
thank you----my dear friends.after a long gap i have come to join u all. :)
Fri, 11/25/2011 - 07:24 Permalink
Hi Saka, This is really awesome and your mami has done a very great job.....i have tried this in usual kolam with dots, but how did she have the count of beads while doing this and managed to bring the exact design....can you give us the tip how did she do this??!!!! Priya Balaji
Tue, 12/06/2011 - 03:03 Permalink
This is really nice. i have done it aishwarya kolam and hirudhaya kamal kolam in kundan stones.
Tue, 09/30/2014 - 23:25 Permalink