Rangoli contest -1st Tirthankara shree Rushabhdev and his symbol- the bull

Wow...this looks amazing! The details and shadows are really intricate. Wonder how long this would have taken. I have come across similar work and some of the process that goes into making this kind of rangoli. Please write about the process and details about this rangoli when you can.
Fri, 11/07/2008 - 23:33 Permalink
so divine and serene.This is what we need for mental healing
Sat, 11/08/2008 - 00:13 Permalink
pavan kashyap
very good tell me the procedure pls
Sat, 11/08/2008 - 00:40 Permalink
Absolutely fabulous.. I can't believe this is Rangoli.. This is the best so far
Sat, 11/08/2008 - 18:46 Permalink
it's awesome!!! just can't believe it's a rangoli.please explain the procedure .where did u get the colors??? how long did it take for u to finish?? it is really superb !!! lots of patience needed.
Sun, 11/09/2008 - 00:15 Permalink
Looks extremely professional! Close to a painting!
Sun, 11/09/2008 - 00:24 Permalink
AMAZING it almost looks like a painting...hats off to you for putting so much detail and time into this wonderful rangoli!
Sun, 11/09/2008 - 18:30 Permalink
amazing, just no words to explain how beautiful it is. wish i could see u putting one on, and learn from u.
Sun, 11/09/2008 - 20:47 Permalink
This is so amazing! Please tell us how long it took you to make this. The thoran hanging on the bulls look like they are real...how did you achieve shadows? I've never seen a rangoli this beautiful before.
Sun, 11/09/2008 - 22:03 Permalink
Wow, wonderful...... looks like a painting with all the colour effects. Kindly let me know whats the significance of this rangoli... i.e. Buddha with the cows? Yashoda Shivashankar
Mon, 11/10/2008 - 01:35 Permalink
Meena Venkataraman
Very natural ... excelent
Tue, 11/11/2008 - 18:50 Permalink
very very beautiful no words to say. my hearty congrats
Tue, 11/11/2008 - 23:40 Permalink
I have been the fortunate one to see this piece of art in person. It is truly an amazing piece of art, depicting the Jain Tirthankar Rshabdev with two bulls. The work is extremely intricate and the creators have paid attention to minor details. I know that it took them number of weeks to put it together. Congratulations and we look forward to seeing these wonderful Diwali creations. Anjna
Wed, 11/12/2008 - 02:30 Permalink

In reply to by Anjna

Hi Anjna, you are lucky indeed! I've never seen anything like this while growing up in India. I have a question to ask...after spending so much effort and time to create such rangolis, how do the creators go about erasing it afterward? It must be difficult/ a bit sad to see it getting washed off...
Thu, 11/13/2008 - 08:37 Permalink

In reply to by Lata

Jambo Lata Well its done on a board and kept on a coffee table in a corner. Surrounding it are big artifacts so that people can view it from an arms length. Most children have been warned by thier mothers to see it from far. After a while dust will settle on it and become dull and then I'll ask someone else to pick it up while I'm not around. God creates very intelegent men & women but at some point in time they all go similarily this creation will make place for a new one by next Diwali. Sandeep K P Malde
Thu, 11/13/2008 - 12:04 Permalink

In reply to by Sandeep

Ever since the first time I saw it, apart from thinking how realistic it looked, I couldn't help thinking about what happens (naturally)to any rangoli after the event is over. To tell you the truth, I'm glad to know that this rangoli has a chance to be "there" for approximately an year. Here's a thought...the next time you make such a masterpiece, please also have a glass-covered case, so you could save this for an even longer duration (I think I'm starting to deviate from the very meaning of rangoli...I'll stop for now)
Thu, 11/13/2008 - 23:32 Permalink
excellent work awesome beautiful..any more words in dictonary to describe the work..plz add it...keep it up excellent job amazing
Wed, 11/12/2008 - 05:48 Permalink
wow! this rangoli is THE MASTERPIECE you mentioned that it took 20 evenings to do this. your hard work&patience must be appreciated .
Wed, 11/12/2008 - 21:03 Permalink
fantastic creation. ofcourse such art definitely requires patience. I am sure you'd be blessed to come out with such a creation. wonderfully divine
Wed, 11/12/2008 - 22:30 Permalink
Sandeep, congratulations! This is THE BEST rangoli here or anywhere else I have seen frankly!!! I am a painter and I thought this is a painting! I did my Diwali rangoli this year by first using dots and drawing but ended up painting to fill the large areas using outdoor patio paint. Not sure if that still qualifies to be authentic rangoli? Thanks also for sharing all the materials you have used, I am SO inspired to try something like this with similar materials I could perhaps find in US craft stores. God has certainly blessed with wonderful talent, keep it up!
Thu, 11/13/2008 - 12:42 Permalink

In reply to by rk

Hi rk, nice to know that you ended up creating a fusion-rangoli. Well, fusion or authentic, please bring it on to the table for all of us to enjoy :) Don't tell me you didn't click it...all artists take pics of almost all of their works (be it a finished product or the "work in progress".
Thu, 11/13/2008 - 15:06 Permalink
Sandeepji, may I ask if you drew an outline of the entire design before filling it in?
Thu, 11/13/2008 - 13:35 Permalink

In reply to by rk

Dear rk ji Because it was a big rangoli about 4ft x 2-1/2ft I had drwn gridlines to guide and all the figurea were drawn out by crayons. however sometimes one would need to change as the rangoli progresses Sandeep K P Malde
Thu, 11/13/2008 - 20:03 Permalink
Great appeal to the eyes and color combination is excellent .Drawing it on the ground must have been a difficult task. It needs special skills . You have Gods' grace and coupled with your hardwork, the end result is beyond words. May god give you more energy and zeal for making more beautiful rangolis,enriching our culture and adding spiritual hues for the ever inquisitive minds. Best wishes and CONGRATULATIONS Seetha
Fri, 11/14/2008 - 05:12 Permalink
fantastic work yaar - I could only dream of doing that. You have a lot of patients to do that.
Sun, 11/16/2008 - 17:54 Permalink
It's outstanding. Congratulations.
Sun, 11/16/2008 - 21:13 Permalink
Dear all I thank you all for all your kind words of appreciation and encouragement. I hope that a number of people will try out some of my ideas to add a bit of spice into thier kolams and rangolis. (I like traditional ones very much but I also think we can always improve) I have learnt a lot from looking at the other rangolis. Sandeep K P Malde
Mon, 11/17/2008 - 11:15 Permalink
Great work Sandeep. Congratulations. I can imagine you working on it.
Mon, 11/17/2008 - 12:43 Permalink
Kumaresan PC
Wow...edu...kolamillla.....Oviyam....Drishti.sutthi podunga
Wed, 11/26/2008 - 01:17 Permalink

In reply to by Sandeep

Sandeepji, Mr.Kumerasan has commented in Tamil, he says that this rangoli is not a kolam but an art/a masterpiece! So, aap iski (rangoliki) nazar uthariye!
Wed, 01/14/2009 - 15:48 Permalink