Freehand peacock rangoli.

vasumathy sathish
vasumathy sathish
Happy.friendship day to all ikolamites. :love: :love:
Sun, 08/02/2015 - 03:00 Permalink
Wow :exmark: :exmark: :exmark: What a lovely picturisation of a peacock... Bright in red too. Awesome :love:
Sun, 08/02/2015 - 07:29 Permalink
Happy my dear friend, as we are combined as friends by ikolam and sharing our joyful comments. :) :) :) Thanks to Lata mam & my greetings to her too :) :) :) very lovely disign you had done. :) fine :star: :love: :)
Sun, 08/02/2015 - 23:05 Permalink
The different color given adds so much of beauty to the peacock & it shows the bright & bold friendship. :bigsmile: Isn't it :quest: :)
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 00:41 Permalink
Wow so beautiful design...that too stunning bright red color emanating ur love n passion.thank you for this lovely treat mam. :love: :bigsmile:
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 00:42 Permalink
Netra sriram
:quest: :quest: Searching for words..... :quest: :quest:
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 04:58 Permalink