Happy Raksha Bandhan!!

Submitted by Lata on
Our warmest wishes to all brothers and sisters on Raksha Bandhan!
And to you too Prasadh. :) It is a well known fact that Raksha Bandhan is a North indian festival. I wonder how many of our ikolam south indian friends celebrate the festival of Rakhi? As for me (a tamilian), I used to tie rakhis around my friends' brother's wrists in my childhood days, when we lived in Delhi. But, when we moved down south, and when I actually had my own brother, the practice didn't take off in my household. It is strange to explain, or to figure out why, but that is the truth. :)
Tue, 08/04/2009 - 15:06 Permalink
Lata .... wishing all members happy Raksha Bandhan..... just reading news paper to-day ( The Hindu ) reports that few schools celberated differently to express feeling of the natural bond that connects human with nature.. this made them to tied rakhi bands around trees expressing this.... This is required to save ourselves as well our next generations to come... hats off to GREAT IDEA... its called " VRIKSHA RAKSHA BANDHAN "...
Tue, 08/04/2009 - 19:21 Permalink

True, rAkhI is more of a north Indian festival. While I was in graduate school in IISc, some of my friends used to get their rAkhIs sent by their sisters without fail and I still remember the joy on their faces. In the south there is a simliar festival which occurs two days after dIpAvaLi amAvAsya. It is called bhrAtR dvitIya when the sisters honour their brothers follwed by bhaginI tRtIya when brothers honour their sisters. Regards! - mOhana
Wed, 08/05/2009 - 04:45 Permalink

I love the rAkhI songs in the Hindi movies. The earliest of such a kind was the famous latA song bhaiyA mErI rAkhI... (late fifties or early sixties). Actually chOThI bahan was based on a South Indian movie. For downloading some rAkhI songs, here is the link - http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=84d87bd1c1bfe91295af63b7d44918aaa485b83511fc32fe Regards! - mOhana
Wed, 08/05/2009 - 10:46 Permalink